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认证机构 | 主营:英孚青少年英语 初级少儿英语 中级少儿英语 按年龄层的英语课程



        What does it mean to go green? Going green means making certain lifestyle changes designed that help you live in a more eco-friendly way. It means becoming more environmentally aware, and changing your behavior and lifestyle to reduce the amount of pollution and waste you generate.


        But, what does that actually mean? For example, if you can walk from your home to your school in 15 minutes by foot, you should walk – don’t ask your parents to drive you! Or after you wash your hands, if you can dry them dry using one piece of tissue paper, then use one – don’t use two, three, or four. If you can pack your lunch in a lunch box that you can use again and again, then stick with the lunch box – don’t not use zip lock bags that you can only use once. If you have finished playing on your computer, Xbox, Nintendo or iPad, you should turn them off – don’t leave them on all the time!




1. 离开房间时随手关灯。
2. 刷牙时关掉水龙头。
3. 用滑板,步行或骑自行车到朋友家、学校或其他近距离的地点。
4. 不使用时,拔掉电器的插头或充电器。
5. 不将垃圾扔进马桶,而是扔进垃圾桶。这样你就无需用额外的水来冲走它。
6. 不使用一次性餐具,选择可重复使用的盘子和餐具。
7. 用可重复使用的餐盒带午餐到学校。
8. 将旧玩具和游戏机捐给贫困的孩子,这样就避免了浪费。
9. 在超市和百货商店购物时带好购物袋,而不是用一次性塑料袋或纸袋。
10. 尽可能选择公共交通出行,如公交车、地铁或火车。


        In short, any action you take that contributes to sustainable living has a positive impact on the environment. Everyone can make small lifestyle changes that make a difference for the Earth and future generations. Even kids can go green!

        Check out these ten examples of what children can do to go green:

1. Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
2. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.
3. Skateboard, walk, or ride your bike to friends’ homes, to school, or to other nearby activities.
4. Unplug appliances and chargers when you are not using them.
5. Throw trash in the trash can, not the toilet. That way, you will flush the toilet less and save water.
6. Use real dishes and utensils whenever you can, instead of plastic ones you have to throw away.
7. Pack your lunch for school in a reusable container, such as a lunchbox.
8. Instead of throwing away old toys and games, donate them so they can be played with again.
9. Bring reusable bags when you shop at the grocery store or mall so that you don’t need a plastic or paper bags.
10. When you can, use public transportation like the bus, subway, or train.

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