GFA Aerobics & Yoga Curriculum System 3.0
GFA 3.0瑜伽教练认证
Certified Basic Yoga Trainer
1.形体练习+瑜伽哲学 12课时
1. body shape training + yoga philosophy
2.瑜伽呼吸冥想 收束 6课时
2. breathing and meditation for yoga
3.瑜伽坐姿 站姿 手印 轮脉 6课时
3. sitting position, standing position, Mudra & Chakras for yoga
4.瑜伽基础解剖 12课时
4. Yoga Basic Anatomic
5.初级体式精讲 30课时
5. Primary Asanas
6.中级体式精讲 114课时
6. Intermediate Asanas
7.中高级体式精讲 48课时
7. Intermediate & High-level Asanas
8.高级体式精讲 54课时
8. High-level Asanas
9.哈他瑜伽课程编排教程 30课时
9. how to design the Hatha yoga lesson
10.口令强化课+会员模拟课 30课时
10. Advanced course + simulation course
11.复习 考核 总结 18课时
11. Review, Examination & Summary